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GCC Leadership Roundtable

GCC Leadership Roundtable with a difference…

3AI organised a differentited leadership roundtable session yesterday wherein AI & Analytics leaders from multiple GCCs & Indian enterprises participated to discuss about strategies priorities in AI & Analytics in 2024 . The format was designed to deliberate in three phases of problem statements:

* How do GCC leaders go about demonstrating sustained AI & Analytics capability & practice build up in 3 years horizon

* How do AI leaders at Indian enterprises showcase their prowess in 18 months

* How does pure play analytics firms & consulting players partner with GCCs & Indian enterprises

The discussions had business simulations & scenario based deliberations bulit in with deeply engaging strategic & operational facets taken into consideration. It was fantastic to absorb several novel aspects being delivered in AI & Analytics arena .

AI & Analytics industry is showing massive adoption appeal and ensuing leaders are sitting at a vantage point to accelerate the development of AI powered enterprises .

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